For a certification issue i had to change domain name of apps Tier with following steps.Firstly i have a unclear point that different domains of db Tier and apps Tier is compatible ? After below steps , i have examined there will be no problem.
Related steps
1. Deregister current App server
As the applications domain name will be changed , app server need to be deregistered.
perl $AD_TOP/bin/ appspass=<APPSpwd> contextfile=<CONTEXT> -removeserver
2. Change domain name of server
Ensure that /etc/hosts shows new domain.
3. Recreate context file with new settings
mv $INST_TOP/appl/admin/$CONTEXTFILE $INST_TOP/appl/admin/oldcontextfile.xml
cd $INST_TOP/appl/admin
perl $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin/ contextfile=oldcontextfile.xml
This step will create new context file with new app domain name.
4. Execute autoconfig
$AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=$INST_TOP/appl/admin/$CONTEXTFILE appspass=<password>
5. Check fnd_nodes.DOMAIN , fnd_nodes.WEBHOST and icx_parameters.SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN values to ensure that show new domain name.
6. Start all application tier services with apps/<appspassword>
How to change domain name of DB Tier as well??.. Kindly suggest on this??
DeleteDb Tier change is too close to apps Tier. Files related with this issue are under $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil. -> $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
$CONTEXT_FILE -> $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/ -> $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
Rest of the commands are same.