Monday, September 18, 2017

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ljava

When applying patch to Oracle EBS , below error occured while relinking. Because of clone system , some enviroments were still pointing old home enviroments

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ljava

For this error , entry "JRE_LIB_DIR" in $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/lib/ has been checked if it points true directory.After adjusting to proper directory , relink has been completed successfully.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

ORA-28138 while using Fine Grained Auditing

If you would like you use Oracle Fine Grained Auditing  with some audit condition , do not write condition with multiple arguments.It is not possible to use AND,OR , IN operators in audit condition.If it is used , ORA-28138 error will be thrown.

To avoid this a simple function which returns single value is written into audit_condition and checked its value.

Before function audit_condition was like ,

SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','HOST') <> 'myhost' and SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','user') <>'TEST'

New function,

  function isConditionValid  return number is
    i number;
    if SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','HOST') <> 'myhost' and SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','user') <>'TEST'
    end if;
    return i;

New audit_condition,


Monday, February 13, 2017

Unique Constraint Violated on FND_LOBS

User has declared that while using EBS import in specific form , below error occured,

oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: oracle.jbo.DMLConstraintException: JBO-26048: Constraint "SYS_C00155937" violated during post operation:"Insert" using SQL Statement  "INSERT INTO FND_LOBS(FILE_ID,FILE_NAME,FILE_CONTENT_TYPE, UPLOAD_DATE,PROGRAM_NAME,FILE_DATA,ORACLE_CHARSET,FILE_FORMAT) VALUES (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8)".

This is ORA-00001 error and unique constraint has been violated. FND_LOBS table has unique constraint on FILE_ID column and it take its own value from FND_LOBS_S sequence.

It seems new taken file_id values are already in table.Because of this situation related program throws ORA-00001 error.To solve this issue sequence next value is taken over maximum file_id value in table.

1. Get max value

select max(file_id) from fnd_lobs;

2. Alter sequence's increment value,

alter sequence APPLSYS.FND_LOBS_S increment by 100;

3. Call sequence nextval function to change sequence current value until it will be greater than max(file_id)

select  APPLSYS.FND_LOBS_S.nextval from dual;

4. Run following queries to verify sequence value(last_number) is greater than max(file_id)

select last_number from dba_sequencies where sequence_name='FND_LOBS_S'
select max(file_id) from fnd_lobs;

5. Alter sequence increment by value back to 1

alter sequence APPLSYS.FND_LOBS_S increment by 1;

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Jar Signing For E-Business Suite

Before completion of validity of Code-Signing Certificate , I have done signing process for E-Business Suite. This process provided , prevent blocking of Java based forms screen because of not valid certificate.

To do this ,

1. List certificates in JKS file to detect alias

    keytool -list -keystore mycert.jks
    Output should like below

   1, 23.Jan.2017, PrivateKeyEntry,
   Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): DA::****************

2. You can change the alias of key,

   keytool -changealias -keystore mycert.jks -alias 1 -destalias myalias

   For this scenario my alias was "1" and changed it to "myalias". After change of alias output would like below,

   myalias, 23.Jan.2017, PrivateKeyEntry,
   Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): DA:****************

3. Upload edited JKS (mycert.jks) to EBS application tier $APPL_TOP/admin folder

4. Import new jks into existing adkeystore.dat

   keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mycert.jks -destkeystore adkeystore.dat

5. Change keypass of new key to the E-Business Suite expected value

 keytool -keypasswd -keystore adkeystore.dat -keypass <YourKeyStorePass> -new <EBSStorePassword> -alias myalias 

  <YourKeyStorePass> defines  your keystore password for code-signing certificate which is given from Official CA like Verisign etc.

  <EBSStorePassword> defines EBS store (adkeystore.dat) password which can taken from below script if you do not know,

  spass varchar2(30);
  kpass varchar2(30);
  ad_jar.get_jripasswords(spass,kpass) ;

6. Edit adsign.txt file which will show new key alias . With this change , while regeneration of jar files  adadmin will use new key alias.

7. Regenerate all jar files via adadmin , after stopping application tier services.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

discard dynamic "testdb" : cannot determine its home

After installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Control agent for any host, adding database could not be completed successfully.According to log file of agent (emagent_perl.trc) Oracle database services are found but, ORACLE_HOME could not. Mon Sep  5 08:51:18 2016: INFO:  DB_LISTENER_DISCOVERY:  found dynamic sid="testdb" service =testdb.localdomain port = 1521 host =testdb01 home=/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2 Mon Sep  5 08:51:18 2016: WARN:  DB_LISTENER_DISCOVERY:  discard dynamic "testdb" : cannot determine its home

After adding entry for testdb into oratab like below , problem has gone and related database has been added to Oracle EM Cloud Control successfully.
